11月は、共生社会の実現に向けてーコロナ渦における外国人居住者の現実ー と題し、Yuanyuan Teng(滕媛媛)先生(東北大学東北アジア研究センター・助教)を講師にお迎えしてコロナ渦での外国人居住者の実情についてお話いただきます。(セミナー言語は英語となります)
SDGS-ID Seminar #19
Toward the Realization of an Inclusive Society
-The Reality of Foreign Residents in Japan under the COVID-19 Pandemic-
【Date & Time】 Nov.18 (Fri), 2022 12:00-13:00
【Registration】 https://forms.gle/y6pGPiLwHK22ffW2A
(Registration D/L: Nov.17(Thu)15:00)
【Format】 Zoom
【Language】 English
【Speaker】 Yuanyuan Teng (滕 媛媛)
(Assist. Professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, TU)
【Title】 “Health and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on foreign residents in Japan“
- Program -
12:00-12:05 Opening remarks
12:05-12:35 Talk: “Health and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on foreign residents in Japan“
12:35-12:55 Q & A
12:55-13:00 Wrap up
SDGS-ID Seminar #19
Toward the Realization of an Inclusive Society
-The Reality of Foreign Residents in Japan under the COVID-19 Pandemic-
【Date & Time】 Nov.18 (Fri), 2022 12:00-13:00
【Registration】 https://forms.gle/y6pGPiLwHK22ffW2A
(Registration D/L: Nov.17(Thu)15:00)
【Format】 Zoom
【Language】 English
【Speaker】 Yuanyuan Teng (滕 媛媛)
(Assist. Professor, Center for Northeast Asian Studies, TU)
【Title】 “Health and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on foreign residents in Japan“
- Program -
12:00-12:05 Opening remarks
12:05-12:35 Talk: “Health and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on foreign residents in Japan“
12:35-12:55 Q & A
12:55-13:00 Wrap up